About Us

What Sets Us Apart

Blue Heron Talent partners with executive coaches from a myriad of business, educational, professional and cultural backgrounds to ensure its clients have a selection of high-caliber coaches. Our coaches are not only seasoned coaching professionals, they also possess significant corporate leadership experience.

We have coached executives from a broad industry representation, including: healthcare, higher education, private equity, insurance, automotive, publishing, utility, construction, manufacturing, retail, consulting and non-profit organizations.

After receiving your inquiry, we review each assignment thoroughly to pair the executive with the most appropriate coach.


Client Testimonials

At the end of a very rewarding experience, I had significant improvement in all four areas of my EQ scores (self awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management). Received very good feedback from senior executives on my message delivery regiment - I’m being more succinct, contextual and relevant.
— Corporate Executive
I cannot put into words the value I received both professionally and personally from this endeavor. The skills and self-awareness I learned will serve me well in my current assignment and better prepare me for the next. I am a firm believer in this process.
— Corporate Executive
Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the coaching was gaining a greater sense of self-confidence in working with staff and in leadership skills that are necessary to keep everyone motivated.
— Corporate Executive
The assessment and follow up reports were extremely helpful in identifying professional derailers. I compiled a binder with all of the information and will undoubtedly refer back to this information for the rest of my career.
— Healthcare Executive
My coach was the best. Our coaching engagement has changed my outlook on my job and even my personal life. The analysis, recommendations, discussions, and interactions were spot on. My staff has seen a difference and call my coach “The Oracle”.
— Insurance Executive
I am so grateful that I was given this opportunity. I have never been exposed to a process like this before, and I personally found it to be very eye opening and tremendously helpful to me.
— Healthcare Executive